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Tamar Balkin
Dec 13, 20246 min read
Ending the year well by reflecting on and celebrating achievements.
Researchers have found that taking the extra step of savouring an experience elevates the benefits of reminiscing and promotes meaning.
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Tamar Balkin
Dec 4, 20246 min read
What is the critical element in recovery and replenishment from work?
Recovery from work is essential for employees to remain energetic, engaged, and healthy, even under high job demands.
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Tamar Balkin
Oct 31, 20247 min read
Why do we need Movember? Surely, men care about their health.
Whilst Movember is focused on men's health, all my readers have the responsibility to be proactive with their physical and mental health.
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Tamar Balkin
Sep 10, 20243 min read
Establishing connections to check on people's well-being R U OK
The goal of R U OK Day is to encourage meaningful conversations about mental health and emotional well-being.
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Tamar Balkin
Jun 21, 20245 min read
Are Values Always Helpful?
Values are an extremely useful map for life, yet the application of values in life and at the workplace can often be fraught.
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Tamar Balkin
Jun 6, 20243 min read
Can you really refresh over a (long) weekend?
Taking time off to recharge and enjoy yourself is a healthy habit, offering short-term benefits and contributing to long-term wellbeing.
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Tamar Balkin
Mar 7, 20246 min read
Can We Bring More Confidence Into Our Decision-Making?
The complexity of decision-making isn't solely determined by the potential outcomes but also by the significance individuals attach to them.
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Tamar Balkin
Feb 29, 20244 min read
We Need To Broaden Our Perspective On Managing Psychological Well-Being In The Workplace.
Growth in the well-being sector has not led to improvement in workers' mental health.
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Tamar Balkin
Feb 12, 20243 min read
Is Psychological Empowerment A Valuable Tool For Enhancing Your Effectiveness As A Leader?
To have psychological empowerment employees need: skills, resources, authority, opportunity, motivation, responsibility and accountability.
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Tamar Balkin
Jan 25, 20243 min read
How Are You Going To Achieve Meaning And Purpose At Work In 2024?
“And you light up my life You give me hope To carry on You light up my days And fill my nights with song" You Light Up My Life by Whitney...
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Tamar Balkin
Dec 20, 20232 min read
Thank You For Your Support, I Hope You Have Learned Something Along The Way.
Through my light-hearted and practical blog, I aspire to contribute to making workplaces more enjoyable, challenging, and energising.
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Tamar Balkin
Dec 15, 20235 min read
Can Leaders Minimise The Likelihood Of Unethical Behaviour?
“Hey, white liar Truth comes out a little at a time And it spreads just like a fire Slips off of your tongue like turpentine And I don't...
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Tamar Balkin
Nov 27, 20232 min read
Can The Next Month Be Both Frantic And Lovely?
The end of the year is filled with squishing in as much as possible before Christmas, that we neglect finding the time for leisure.
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Tamar Balkin
Nov 21, 20234 min read
Who is looking out for you in a crisis?
Ongoing crises can break the psychological balance of leaders causing an increase in anxiety, changes in their cognitive response processes;
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Tamar Balkin
Nov 7, 20231 min read
It’s Movember And It's Not Negotiable
Movember is all about men’s physical and psychological health. It’s a yearly reminder to head off to the GP.
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Tamar Balkin
Sep 14, 20233 min read
Today Is "R U OK" Day. Are You Here To Hear?
This R U OK Day aims to encourage meaningful conversations about mental health and emotional well-being by really listening.
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Tamar Balkin
Aug 4, 20232 min read
What Do You Do When There’s Trouble In Your Workplace?
Do you have the courage to exhibit the vulnerability required to create and maintain a psychologically safe and healthy workplace?
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Tamar Balkin
Jul 5, 20231 min read
How Do You Want To Enhance Your Leadership Capability And Wellbeing?
I share organisational psychology research into leadership, bust myths and fads, thought-provoking theories, and practical ideas.
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Tamar Balkin
Jun 28, 20235 min read
Is The Sabbatical A Furphy Or A Solution To Your Leadership Woes?
Despite appearing incongruous with the current state of the economy, recent research indicates that sabbaticals are the new vacation.
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Tamar Balkin
May 29, 20235 min read
The Mature Worker: An Asset Or A Liability?
As a society, we tolerate ageism more than other forms of discrimination. With 27% of Australian workers aged 50 and above impacted.
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