Recent coaching examples
Typical Coaching engagements involve either:
the leadership team within a single organisation or
individual leaders across organisations.
Within organisations:
To support the smooth transition of the executive team during a merger, I provided executive coaching to the entire senior executive team. The merger has resulted in a reduction in the number of leaders reporting to the CEO, and therefore for some of my client’s felt limitations had been placed on their influence and responsibility. Initially the focus of the coaching was on career goals and aspirations and suitability for newly allocated roles. As the roll out of the new organisational structure continued, leadership coaching ensured that all leaders felt optimistic about their they ability to achieve success in the future. At the conclusion of the program the executive team had embraced the new structure and reporting relationships, and many were on or beyond target for the financial year ahead. I has been asked to provide further executive coaching to senior leaders to support the implementation of the second phase of the acquisition.
As part of a leadership development program a rapidly growing local council, I designed a coaching diary, and provided individual coaching to eight members of the senior executive team. The focus of the coaching was to raise leadership capability in line with the council’s competency frameworks and to reinforce and personalise the content from the learning modules. On completion of the executive team’s coaching program, based on recommendations from my clients, the CEO selected me as his coach. I continue to provide coaching to newly appointed leaders in this council.
For the past five years I have provided monthly leadership development coaching for senior executives in a national Government Department in the health services sector. Each coaching program is 2 years in duration with a focus on the long-term strategic goals of the Department, and the individual. Key issues include: motivating staff, effectively balancing the competing demands of multiple internal and external stakeholders, strategic planning in a pollical context, feedback to improve performance. New clients continue to come from referrals from past clients.
Beginning in 2015, to support a social welfare organisation in their transition to the NDIS, I regularly provide pro-bono leadership coaching to leaders and managers. During this time staff wellbeing and engagement has improved significantly.
Individual leaders across organisations:
The group manager of international operations at an energy company was referred to coaching, to increase his self-awareness and capacity to influence his local and international peers. At the conclusion of coaching his boss told me that coaching had been successful as his team began to come into his office to share ideas with him rather than to complain about the manager’s interpersonal style.
A specialist division in a highly stressful National Government organisation had rated their leader negatively on a recent survey. Coaching enabled the leader to modify their approach to be more supportive and collaborative. As a result, productivity and morale increased, and staff turnover was significantly reduced.
An Associate Professor at a major university requested coaching to ensure 2020 was not as overwhelming as 2019. Coaching enabled her to take a more strategic focus to her work, enhance the skills and capabilities of her team, improve the balance between the teaching and research demands of her role. As required, she is now collaborating across disciplines in her formulation of her next large research project.
During COVID lockdown a newly promoted senior IT manager in the financial services sector was referred to coaching to support his smooth transition to leadership. At the conclusion of coaching his boss, reflected that he had embraced the strategic aspects of his role, began to exert influence and ideas across the leadership team and broader business. In addition, by staying true to his calm interpersonal style and high emotional intelligence he had not only increased employee engagement but retained key staff.
A newly appointed divisional leader in a national construction company who had transitioned from the finance department to an operations role requested coaching to finesse her leadership capability. Coaching enabled her to increase the levels of cooperation and complex problem solving in her new team. As a result, the timeframes for project delivery are being significantly reduced without compromising quality.
The CEO of a specialist National Government Department who had been subjected to bullying by one of his direct reports was contemplating early retirement. Through coaching he renewed his strategic focus, strengthened his resilience, and delayed his retirement for 12 months, ensuring he left a strong legacy and a thriving organisation for his successor. He currently consults internationally and holds local and international board positions in his sector.