Click on the picture for a fun way to reduce workplace loneliness.
Click on the picture to watch my 54 second minute Vlog, for a fun way to reduce workplace loneliness.
Read my past blog and look at the references for some practical shared activities that are a nice antidote to loneliness.
References: more are available on request
Eat Sleep Work Repeat: Reinventing work 1: why you need to understand the ‘self other overlap’
Kurtz, L.E. and Algoe, S.B. (2016). When Sharing a Laugh Means Sharing More: Testing the Role of Shared Laughter on Short-Term Interpersonal Consequences. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 41(1), pp.45–65.
Black, J.S. (2020). Laughter Will Keep Your Team Connected — Even While You’re Apart. [online] Harvard Business Review. Available at: [Accessed 14 Jun. 2020].