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Will finding purpose beyond work improve your wellbeing?

Tamar Balkin

"When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary

When troubles come and my heart burdened be

Then, I am still and wait here in the silence

Until You come and sit awhile with me."

You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban (click here for the song)

Click on the picture to watch my 87 second Vlog, to better understand how finding purpose beyond work will improve your wellbeing.

"It's like you're always stuck in second gear

When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month Or even your year"

I’ll Be There For You by The Rembrandts (click here for the song)

I encourage all of you to step outside and take a moment to think about how you can find purpose beyond work by doing something for someone else. Beyond the obvious benefits to your and the recipient, according to Adam Grant helping others also improves your productivity. (Click here for my past blog on productivity)


"Lean on me

When you're not strong And I'll be your friend I’ll help you carry on"

Lean On Me by Bill Withers (click here for the song)


Thank you to Ben Baran and Chris Everett from the Indigo podcast for inspiring this blog.



Anderson, N.D., Damianakis, T., Kröger, E., Wagner, L.M., Dawson, D.R., Binns, M.A., Bernstein, S., Caspi, E. and Cook, S.L. (2014). The benefits associated with volunteering among seniors: A critical review and recommendations for future research. Psychological Bulletin, 140(6), pp.1505–1533.

Curry, O.S., Rowland, L.A., Van Lissa, C.J., Zlotowitz, S., McAlaney, J. and Whitehouse, H. (2018). Happy to help? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of performing acts of kindness on the well-being of the actor. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76, pp.320–329.

‌Jenkinson, C.E., Dickens, A.P., Jones, K., Thompson-Coon, J., Taylor, R.S., Rogers, M., Bambra, C.L., Lang, I. and Richards, S.H. (2013). Is volunteering a public health intervention? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the health and survival of volunteers. BMC Public Health, [online] 13(1). Available at: [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019].

Kerr, S.L., O’Donovan, A. and Pepping, C.A. (2014). Can Gratitude and Kindness Interventions Enhance Well-Being in a Clinical Sample? Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(1), pp.17–36.

‌ Pillemer, K., Fuller-Rowell, T.E., Reid, M.C. and Wells, N.M. (2010). Environmental Volunteering and Health Outcomes over a 20-Year Period. The Gerontologist, 50(5), pp.594–602.

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